
Tralinka French Bulldogs

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Contacting Us

We are always happy to receive enquiries about our dogs, and are usually available for a chat. If wanting to go on the waiting list for a puppy, though, you should send your enquiry via e-mail. We’ve given up on trying to keep notebooks, or have people’s information written on pieces of paper, as we keep losing them!! So, the computer it is then.

We will send you a questionnaire that requires filling out in order for us to put your name down on our waiting list. Please don’t feel offended at any of the questions, we want to ensure that each of our puppies is going to the best home suited for them, and that every family is perfectly suited for owning a French Bulldog. Not every person who wants one will end up getting a puppy from us. Although we strongly believe that every family should have a dog, not every family is suited to owning a French Bulldog.

As to where we are located. Well we’re not difficult to find… if you simply look us up in the UBD or follow someone’s instructions. We are 1km down the Brand Hwy, from the intersection with the Great Northern Highway. Turn left onto Peters Road, and come to the end of the street. Follow the signs for Prideland Kennels and Cattery, number 82 Peters Road, Muchea.

UNFORTUNATELY, things get a little sticky when people use Google maps or a sat nav. Simply put, they don’t have a clue. Google maps has our location on a street that doesn’t exist (Almeria Parade has never been, and probably never will be, built… it’s bushland). And Sat Nav’s think Peter’s Road finishes at 64. They’ll either tell you 82 doesn’t exist, or send you on a wild goose chase around Muchea.

So, how to get around that little wrinkle. When using Google maps or a Sat Nav, simply look up        64 Peters Road. This will get you into the street, then come past 64 and to the end of the street, to number 82. Follow the signs for Prideland Kennels and Cattery. (We would put a Google maps link on this website, but obviously that’s not going to help anyone!!). It’s the driveway with a lion statue on either side. Once you’ve found the right place, follow the signs for Valinka Labradors, and park where it indicates for “Valinka Labradors Park Here”. Very simple. But please make an appointment before coming to see us. Although there’s always someone on the property, and staff in the kennels every day, they are not necessarily the right people for you to speak with.

Oh, and the below contact form isn't functional at the moment. So any emails sent on that form will disappear into the ether, never to be seen again!

Contact Form


Tralinka           French Bulldogs

82 Peters Road, Muchea.  

Ph: (08) 9571-0677

M: 0414-898-236
